+49 (0) 6195 6774 173
Benzstraße 10 , 65779 Kelkheim (Taunus)


The factory-controlled process produces less waste, causes fewer site disruptions, and allows ... for more precise construction.Read more


Construction of modular buildings takes place concurrently with site work, allowing projects to be ... completed 50% faster than of traditional construction.Read more


Modular buildings are constructed using the same materials and adhering to the same building ...codes and architectural specifications as traditional structures.Read more


One of the most expensive aspects of a construction project is labor.Modular manufacturers can hire... factory labor that is up to 70% less expensive than typical on site construction labor.Read more


Because modular structures are built offsite, the conditions are controlled for a longer period ... of time, resulting in the best efficiency and quality of any large-scale commercial prefabrication approach.Weiterlesen


Pacarada Modular Building Systems has integrated and automated technology allows it to create a highly ... transparent data when using BIM. Read more

The Advantages of Modular Construction

Modular construction has the potential to reduce the time and stress associated with large-scale commercial construction projects by half

Volumetric Modules

A straight, rectilinear cuboid is the most efficient module in terms of design, delivery, and construction. In the construction industry, they are widely used and accepted.

Asymmetrical Modules

Can be accommodated for rooms with different dimensions.
A standard bedroom with an accessible bedroom opposite is an excellent example of when an asymmetrical module would be useful.

Special Modules

They are time-consuming to produce and difficult to transport, but they provide ideal solutions to non-standard geometry that can occur in some building designs.

Our Brand-New Bathroom Pods

The global demand for pods in increasing,and we at Pacarada Modular Building Systems have responded with our lastest all-in-one pods with

Made in Germany quality and precision.

We Are Available Worldwide

Our company designed a volumetric building system that is both agile and adaptable. This enables us to construct a design that is structurally sound while allowing us to alter the interior arrangement and exterior appearance of the structures. No matter who you are, where are you from, what your budget is, we have financial solutions for you. Pacarada Modular Building Systems


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